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Dr Carol Scott-Conner was born in Towanda, Pennsylvania. She obtained her BS in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1969, and her MD from New York University School of Medicine in 1976. She remained at New York University to complete a five year general surgical residency in 1981. At that time, very few women entered general surgery.

When she was appointed Head of the Department of Surgery at the University of Iowa in 1995, she was the second woman in American surgery to attain such a position. A founding member of the ACS Academy of Master Surgeon Educators, she is the author or coauthor of ten major surgical texts and a book of short stories.

Her other works to date have included numerous papers, chapters and presentations on a wide range of surgical topics. She is currently at work on a third book of surgical stories, and happily revising two of her textbooks.

She lives in Iowa City with her husband and teaches surgery at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.